Origin of Manga

The term "manga" has been appropriated to refer specifically to comics created in Japan, or by Japanese authors, in the Japanese language and conforming to the style developed in Japan in the late 12th century. The origin of manga possibly goes back to the 12th century "Chojugiga (the Animal Scrolls)" - literally, "humorous pictures of birds and animals" which was depicted by an artist-priest Kakuyu, or Toba (1053-1140) (Akiyama, 1990, Schodt, 1983).


Anime is the Japanese abbreviated pronunciation of "animation". Anime began at the start of the 20th century, when Japanese filmmakers experimented with the animation techniques also pioneered in France, Germany, the United States, and Russia. Distributors can release anime via television broadcasts, directly to video, or theatrically, as well as online.


 is the Japanese word for "comics/cartoons" and consists of comics and print cartoons 
manga are usually serialized in large manga magazines, often containing many stories, each presented in a single episode to be continued in the next issue. Manga can be action-adventure, romance, sports and games, historical drama, comedy, science fiction and If a manga series is popular enough, it may be animated after or even during its run, although sometimes manga are drawn centering on previously existing live-action or animated films.

Manga Culture

Manga Arts Is base on The Meiji culture, The Meiji period also known as the Meiji era
Most of people of this villagers are the manga readers 

Dragonball and Gandam

Dragon Ball & Gundam are Manga Arts

 Dragon Ball is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Akira Toriyama
Dragon Ball was inspired by the classical Chinese novel Journey to the West.
This picture release in Japan on November 10, 1985
The Gundam Series is a metaseries of anime created by Sunrise studios that features giant robots (or "mecha") called "Mobile Suits" (MS)

the story from the original 1979 series has been considerably extended with sequels, prequels, side stories and alternate timelines.

Expression on the Facial

Expression on the facial are important key in animation manga as it tell the feeling or the emotion of the story. Each expression on facial have a story behind it. Characters that are shocked or surprised will perform a "face failt", in which they display an extremely exaggerated expression. Angry characters may exhibit a "vein" or "stress mark" effect, where lines representing bulging veins will appear on their forehead. 

Manga 2-Dimension

2-Dimension are number one in manga arts but 3-Dimension is hard and technical. Normally people use 2-Dimension as it is simple and easy to be draw. Digital or video are the animation that create the movement of the character. If the story are good enough & popular, they will be compose into animation.

Japan Is Out

Famous Woodblock Artist

Tadashi Nakayama

Tadashi Nakayamawas a Japanese woodblock print 
artist, one of the most famous in the Ukiyo-e style. He 
was an innovator, the first to produce full-color prints
(nishiki-e) in 1765, rendering obsolete the former 
modes of two- and three-color prints. Harunobu used 
many special techniques, and depicted a wide variety 
of subjects, from classical poems to contemporary 

Important In Animation

In animation It is Important to start some idea based on what are we going to do. By that, plan on the storyboard to tell which scene is first or etc. We can also plan using mind map to break down the plan so that to make things easier. Without that, all the story will mess up.


Animation Manga

Manga Illustration